Tips to Boost Your Video Conversion
Tips to Boost Your Video Conversion
In this article, we provide recommendations for customizing your video player, based on tests and analyses conducted by the Vturb team. These suggestions aim to increase your video conversions, but remember, all features are customizable and can be tested by you, including through A/B Testing!.
Customizing the Player in the Style Tab:
Play Buttons:
- Uncheck the “Big Play Button”.
- Check the “Small Play Button” to allow viewers to pause the video. This is a great opportunity to use your ThumbSniper.
- Uncheck “Video Time”, “FullScreen”, and “Volume” to avoid distractions.
- Disable the "Progress Bar" and enable Smart Progress Bar.
Rewind and Fast-Forward Options:
- Enable “Rewind 10s” and “Fast-Forward 10s” for longer VSLs (50 minutes or more).
Once you've made these selections, don't forget to save your customization!

Continuing in the Customization Menu:
Smart Autoplay:
- Keep it enabled. Default prompts like “Your video’s rolling” and “Click to tune in” work well, but feel free to edit them.
- If Smart Autoplay is disabled, start with a Thumbsniper™. You can also place one in the middle (when the video is paused) or at the end of your VSL.
Hooks and Mini-Hooks:
- Activate these to increase your play rate and reduce drop-offs.
Intelligent Progress:
- Enable this feature for a better perception of shorter video duration.
Turbo Auto-Test Mode:
- Activate this to test different speeds and find the most effective one.
Action Buttons:
- Sync them with your video, ideally during the sales pitch, by placing the button right below the video.
Keep Watching:
- Enable this feature to let users resume the video from where they left off.
Speed Control:
- Allow viewers to adjust the video speed from 0.5x to 2x.
Wrapping Up:
Always sync the action button with the VSL. If you're using Vturb's action button, it's automatic. Otherwise, check out the article on how to sync page elements with the VSL.
We hope these tips help improve your results. For any questions, our support team is available via chat. Learn more about using our tool to your advantage in the article: How to Use Analytics Data to Optimize Your VSL.
Updated on: 05/29/2024
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