
Using Analytics to Supercharge Your Sales Video

What's Analytics all about?

VTurb's Analytics throws the spotlight on all the key metrics related to your video. With data and graphs galore, you get to dive deep into how your video's performing. The insights can help you tweak your VSL, customize the player, and fine-tune your results.

Check out the breakdown of an example Analytics report below:

💡 Quick heads-up: Our Analytics gets a refresh every 5 minutes!

What metrics does Analytics dish out?

Plays: Count of users hitting play on your video.
Views: How many times your player-loaded page got eyeballed.
Engagement: It's an average of your video's total engagement. Here's the math: Total watch time / (total plays x video's full length)
Unique Views: Unique users who caught a glimpse of your player. Remember, a single user can drop by multiple times, adding to the "Views" count.
Unique Plays: Individual users who hit play. Again, one user can tap play more than once, spiking the "Plays" count.
Play Rate: The percentage of unique plays compared to unique video views.

With this intel, you're all set to gauge your VSL performance and plot out strategies for optimization!

Plus, besides a bird's-eye view of your metrics, you can now drill down with filters to scoop out specifics on Countries, Devices, and Browsers. There's also a nifty chart to pinpoint when viewers tend to drop off and other juicy insights:

VTurb's Top Tips!

We'd suggest waiting till you hit at least 200 unique video views before diving deep into your Analytics metrics. Anything before that and you might see some wild swings – the data's not statistically significant yet.

Got a low play rate? It might be worth checking if there's a good match between your ads and the landing page. Another cool trick: test out the headline above the video, aiming to stoke more curiosity and get prospects to kickstart your VSL.

For headline testing, don't forget to use Hook™! :)

For a closer look at our features and how they link up with your metrics, give this link a click! And if you're craving insights on decoding Analytics metrics, there's a whole article waiting for you.

Oh, and if you want the 101 on adding Security domains for pinpoint-accurate data, check out this link!

Updated on: 10/17/2023

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